Friday, November 28, 2008

Only melancholy prevails

Whilst the rest of the world carries on with life, terror and tragedy still loom over one of the most affluent cities of India..
A thousand tears shed, hoards of discussions and questions about why all this is happening and what is being done to resolve this never ending terrorist threat..

But...what about all those innocent victims? What will happen to their families? Was it any of their fault to meet with death in this brutal manner? All this for what? no fault of theirs? ...
nothing.. dead.. they are dead..that's it!

I am irritated and angry and upset and a thousand other emotions all at the same time..Sometimes I think and wonder.. Does God really exist?? I dunno..

All I know.. is that there are a whole lot of people who are the end of the day.. and all this for no fault of theirs...

May their souls rest in peace..


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