Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Poles Apart??!!

The headline reminds me only of one person and I would really like to dedicate this blog to her... Yeah my sister... Starting from our outlook on life.. till about our tastes in music to colours to the type of food...we are p-o-l-e-s a-p-a-r-t.
All said and done, despite all this, you go back to basics and connect with some people without any reason.. and not only cuz you are related..its beyond all this.. Some background to my startling statement made..
We went to the same school.. and as usual me the brave one loved going to school..My sis was so scared that she used to sit come and sit with me in my class.
I still so vividly remember that day..
Even today when I pick out a dress and I oh so excitedly come home and show it to her... She will give out those cute dimple smile and say." its so you"..
Now I dont know if thats an insult..or a compliment. She says its the latter..and it better be that way.
Even our opinions and outlook on things differ... While its good to have a difference, not this much I used to thinnk....
..Anyways while the differences continue on one end.. there are two things that we still share the same interest for...
1.....giggle and crack up.. reasons??!! most of the times.. I make fun or rather imitate people and she cracks up...
Thats one of the times we genuinely LOL.. Amma thinks its sidey..she says.. that we need to enjoy "constructive jokes".. or humour but we beg to differ.. Till about 3:00 Am somedays we crack up...
2...The other common passion is eating good.. food.. well there too.. I cook and she gobbles..We mostly do this at like 2:00 AM.. thats the thrill!!

To be honest..we arent the best of friends.. as in we dont a deep personal link..( by that I am trying to say that we dont tell each other our personal stuff)..wierd you may think..but it works for us this way...
We arent similar..on any ground..To me, dressed up in a long layered skirt and a peasant blouse will be a stunner combo.. to her.. it will be a short skirt and a so its like that... and am sure you guys would have got the point..
but all said and done.. we still get back to one another at the end of the day, month, year..decade..and pick up from where we left.. I dont think you get to do this with many people..She being there in my life has never made me yearn for girl company.. even after my friends relocated to other cities, I kinda dint feel lost cuz she was there to cover...and that too despite all the differences...
I am glad she is my sister..for many reasons.. but the most important one...
" She is my best fall back pillow.. .. and my cushion ( both metaphorically and & way different from me..:)


Unknown said...

may be lesson here-- you can spend lifetime with a person who is poles apart from you.. still be good company.. with that life moves on pleasant..

dont u think??

Sini said...

Very cute.....first time am gettin to there's so much tht u guys share...looks like when u both get together, the house is on fire!!! :)